Use Any Phone, No App Required
If you are a customer of a restaurant, salon, store or other business that uses Waitlist Me, you don’t need to go through the trouble of installing an app or creating an account. Waitlist Me works by sending text and call notifications to your phone number, so it works with any phone. If you have a smart phone you can also check your place in line simply by pressing a link in the confirmation text you receive and viewing the public waitlist view in your phone browser.
Add Yourself From Anywhere
Some businesses also use Waitlist Me features to let their customers add themselves to their waitlist or schedule reservations or appointments online. Waitlist Me makes it simple for businesses to integrate these options into their websites or social media pages, so it is easier for customers to find. It also gives you the flexibility to add yourself from your smart phone when you are out or from a computer when at home.
Spread The Word!
Standing in lines sucks. For everyone. You can do your favorite businesses a favor by telling them about Waitlist Me. Plus, you can help improve wait experiences at these places for yourself and others. Many businesses have been using paper waitlists, floor plans, and calendar books so long they don’t realize there are better ways. Help them see the light, and they will thank you for it.