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Do you provide service outside of the US?

Yes, we provide service to multiple countries outside of the US. There are a few differences in how the plans work.

For the US service the Premium plan is $29.99/month, Pro is $49.99/month, and Platinum is $99.99/month. All subscriptions include bundled texting, and additional texts can be purchased if the limits are exceeded. This service will allow customers to respond via text if they are running late or wish to be removed from the list. For the second notification that alerts a guest that you are ready for them, the notification could be a text message or a phone call. For reservations, there are also email options for each notification.

With the international plans, there are slight differences in how the service works. Instead of phone calls, all notifications are texts or emails. The monthly subscription fee is lower and there is a per-text charge (you can see the pricing breakdown by country here). Guests can let you know if they are on their way or if they will not be coming by using links at the top of the Public Waitlist Page (instead of responding to text messages).

A Few FAQs
Will I be able to choose whether or not to send text notifications?
Yes! For each guest you add to the list, you can choose to send them a confirmation text, as well as whether to send the notification text. For example, if the guest has not left the lobby and you do not need to text them to let them know it is their turn, you can simply mark them as 'served' in the app without sending a text. You can also choose to use confirmation & reminder emails instead of texts for reservation entries. (Visit this page to see more in-depth information on how the email features work.)

What happens if I need tech support?
We're here to help! Tech support will be in English, and you can contact us at Or you can reach us through the app by pressing the gear icon, then Help, then Report An Issue. Also, you can check out our troubleshooting guide here.

How do the text message charges work?
You can login online and enter a credit card on the Account page. Choose an amount of prepaid texting credits you would like to purchase. Check your balance anytime online and in the app. Once the balance runs out, you will not be able to send more texts until you add more money to the account at Set up an automatic charge so you never have to worry about running out of texting credits – the account will be charged with the amount you choose when the balance gets down to $2.

Does the Canadian plan function the same as the US plan?
Yes, the Canadian service works the same (and is priced the same) as the US services. Each plan includes a certain amount of text messages per month, and additional prepaid texts can be purchased as well. Canadian users will be able to use the email and phone call notifications, and see text responses in the app. More details are here.