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Server Stats

View data on tables/people by server

One of the features included in a Pro or Platinum subscription is a Stats page that gives an overview of the shift or day. Quickly see data for each section: how many groups they’ve had, how many total people were in those groups, their average party size, and the average time it took to turn tables.
stats button

This feature is currently only available in the app on a tablet. From any of the Assignments views (List, Grid or Floorplan), press on the Stats icon to go to the analytics view. This page will display each section name, the server assigned (using the Section Notes feature), how many groups/people have been served, and averages for party size and time. Pressing on the headers at the top will sort by any of those categories. If you prefer to see things graphically, use the slider in the middle bar to enlarge the bottom half of the screen. You can switch between seeing these metrics per section or per table by clicking on the Sections or Assignments label that you see at the top.
stats page

You can choose what time frame you would like to see stats for. From the Stats view, pressing on the current time view in upper right the header bar will let you select from these options:
  • Current day – see all of today’s numbers
  • Past hours – choose any increment up to 24 hours (for example, view the past 4 hours on a rolling basis)
  • Shifts – enter in blocks of hours to coincide with your shifts (for example, 11:00 am – 4:00 pm and 4:00 pm – 11 pm)

Or edit these time frames from the main waitlist page by going to the gear icon > Customization > Waitlist View > Totals. The Total Served option will allow you to set up your shifts or the past number of hours you would like to see statistics for.

A Platinum subscription also includes the option to use a server rotation (instead of defined sections). When using the Servers features, you would also see options in the Stats menus to view tables by server.

The data on the Stats page can help hosts know where to seat the next party, so that each server gets their fair share of the work (and the tips!)

Related table management features: Table Views | Table Setup | Section Setup